unions with representation of the sectoral table (SATSE, CCOO, CSIT-UP, UGT, AMYTS and USAE), as well as CSIF will meet this Thursday with the human resources Directorate to analyze the conflict generated by the strike have been convened to workforce week coming.

as a spokesman for the Department who directs Javier Fernández-Lasquetty has detailed, the meeting will be maintained between the director general of human resources counseling with unions that support the work stoppages planned for on 19 and 20 December.

one of the objectives of the meeting is to set the minimum for the calls of the day services Wednesday 19 to staff in Madrid public hospitals and those fixed for the day 20, intended for employees of the centers of primary care, Summa 112 and the own Ministry of health workers.

by anderen Seite sitzen Union Professional berichtete kürzlich auch ihre Pläne Tagen des Streiks unter den Arbeitern der Gesundheit in der Region für 17 und 18 Dezember einberufen.