Washington, 11 oct (EFE).-up to 14,000 people could have received in EE.uu injections in bad condition linked to the outbreak of meningitis that has already left 14 dead in the country, reported today the centres for the Control and prevention of diseases (CDC).

to date, the number of people affected by the meningitis outbreak, linked to a batch of contaminated vaccines, increased to 170 and the deceased until 14.

possible vaccinated 14,000 would have received the injection between 21 May and 24 September and it is estimated that the onset of symptoms may be between one and four weeks, clarified at a Conference health authorities telephone.

according to the CDC, the authorities have managed to contact with 90% of people who would have been medicadas with injections of lot in bad state, which were withdrawn from the market.

the (Administration, FDA) US Food and Drug Administration glaubt, dass der Ausbruch in Steroid-Injektionen entstanden, die zur Linderung von Schmerzen Muskel.

Obwohl die Injektionen in mehrere Staaten verteilt worden sind, würde erkannt Fälle von Meningitis 11, konzentrierte sich vor allem im Nordosten des Landes.

wird geschätzt, dass Impfstoffe in 75 Zentren in 23 Bundesstaaten des Landes bereitgestellt haben könnte. EFE