Miami (USA), 14 Mär ( EFE).-plastische Chirurgen in den USA befindet sich in der Mitte einer Kontroverse nach Inbetriebnahme ein Lied und die Produktion eines Videos, das fördert die Rhinoplastik für ein Zeichen, die als Person beschrieben wird mit einer großen Nase jüdischen.

Arzt Michael Salzhauer finanziert Video für die Verbindung mit einem jüngeren Publikum, während die Creadores De La Canción, la Banda “der Groggers“, Se Describen Así Mismos Como Una Agrupación de musikalische Pop-Punk Judía con un Toque Humorístico.

El video “Jewcan Scam” Fue Elaborado con un Tono Cómico y Muestra las Dificultades Que Enfrenta un Estudiante Judío de Una Escuela Secundaria Con Una Nariz Grande Para Conquistar a Una Compañera de Clase.

“Jewcan Scam” es un Juego de Palabras Con el Nombre de un Tucán con un Pico Grande y mehrfarbigen Que es Una Mascota de Una Marca de Getreide.

La Letra del Tema musikalische, Würfel Titulado “Una Canción de Amor Para Una Operación de Nariz”, “yo la Quiero, Pero Ella kein Quiere lo Que Soy. Ella dice Tienes un Pico Como Jewcam Sam. Ella Würfel Que Solo Verkauf Con Tipos Con Narices perfektwie y Puntiagudas, Así Que Corta el Tamaño De La Tuya”.

El Personaje Se Somete y Cirugía Una al final la Chica Termina Rechazándole, Pero Una Profesora Inmediatamente lo Corteja.

“Salzhauer song wants to be funny, not offensive”, said in a statement.

but not everyone will find the grace to the song and the video musical.

“It is simply disruptive a doctor playing with the weaknesses of the human condition,”said doctor Malcolm Roth, President of the American Society of surgeons plastics.

Salzhauer said that even when the song to some might seem sad or offensive, the message actually” is very deep: nobody should undergo a cosmetic surgery to please another “.

lead singer of the band that participates in the video, Doug Staiman, underwent a rhinoplasty once jokingly asked the surgeon if he offered any discount for a group of people.

“I told him, it is curious that you are hiring to make this video because the majority of the members of this band have massive and deformed noses,”commented singer.

added than Salzhauer “he generously offered to operate us all, but I was the only one who dared to undergo the operation”.

the American Society of plastic surgeons described the video as “offensive and inappropriate,” and initiated an investigation under its code of ethics that “clearly requires that its members uphold dignity the honour of the medical profession”.

Roth said can not comment on the investigation, but speaking generally he explained that if one of the members of the organization is found guilty of violating that code, the doctor may lose membership and even certification, among other aspects.

surgeon, for its part, has expanded their plans since ’The Groggers’ recorded the video. now performs a contest that allows people to make their own music videos for the song and whoever has the highest number of views on Youtube, will undergo a rhinoplasty in manner free.

< p> Die American Society of Plastic Surgeons beschrieb das Video als “beleidigend und unangemessene” und leitete eine Untersuchung unter seinen Code von Ethik, die “klar, dass seine Mitglieder würde die Ehre der Ärzteschaft aufrechtzuerhalten erfordert”. WireImage /