Brazilian is known worldwide for his joy, but, in terms of smile, nor always appears as well in the commercial for toothpaste.


caries is the main health problem of the mouth, as demonstrated the national survey of oral health (SBBrasil 2010). Almost 30% of children of 18 to 36 months showed at least a deciduous tooth (from milk) with caries. The proportion reaches almost 60% in 5 years. In permanent dentition, 56% of children of 12 years and approximately 90% of adolescents (15 to 19 years) had at least one tooth cavities. But in national day of oral health and also in homage to dentists, there is reason to celebrate.

according to the survey were verified improvements in relation to 2003. At the age of 12 years, used worldwide to assess the situation on children, the disease reached 69% of the population in 2003. This percentage fell to 56% last year. This decline of 13 percentage points corresponds to a decrease of 19% in prevalence of the disease. The average number of teeth caries attacked by also decreased in children: were 2.8 in 2003, falling to 2.1 in 2010, a reduction of 25%


in absolute terms, and considering the Brazilian population, about 1 million and 360 thousand permanent teeth are no longer affected by caries in children of 12 years throughout the country. “Recent surveys have pointed to an improvement in the patient’s oral health, both in relation to dental caries as to periodontal disease. However, we are still short of a dental health condition considered ideal. In some populations, access to dental treatment is still restricted and the number of patients edêntulos (no teeth in the mouth) is significant, “says the surgeon-dentist Fatima port, which integrates the blessing dentist


to change this reality, the volunteers of the programme dealing with dentition of adolescents aged between 12 and 17 years, serviced by kindergartens, non-governmental organizations and public schools. With care, the goal is to also change the perception of society on the issue of oral health and dental class about the environmental impact of its activity. “We have as value do by another what would we do for our children, perform with aesthetics and joy and effectiveness and transparency in the management”, says Fatima.

Another problem that reaches the dental health of the Brazilian is the gingival disease (gingivitis, which is inflammation of the gums), mainly caused by plaque and Tartar. Other issues that can affect the mouth are bone lesions and mucosa (soft tissue), as well as cancer. Dental health is fundamental to the well-being of the individual. For many years, the term was defined as the absence of disease in the mouth. Currently, within a multidisciplinary approach, the Organization Munidal Health Organisation (who) defines health as a State of complete physical, mental and social well-being of the individual, and not just the absence of disease. “Health is not a stable condition, which once reached can be maintained. It is important that permanently measures are taken for the promotion and protection to oral health, “says Fatima


the mouth is colonized by various bacteria. However, as they are part of our normal flora, his mere presence does not indicate changes. They may pose problems when brushing is deficient, it is not made regular use of dental floss, there is high consumption of sucrose (sugar) and smoking. Are factors that may alter the metabolism of bacteria, predisposing to early caries, diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis.




this way, if you run a good brushing (always after meals) and frequently uses the Floss, will have a healthy mouth. In this case, the use of oral enxaguantes is expendable. The effect provided by these solutions is not sustainable and, often, they serve only to freshen the mouth and improve the breath. “It is important that the surgeon-dentist educate their patients that no mouthwash replaces a good brushing and flossing” scores Fatima. The limitation of A solution restricted to special conditions, such as postoperative oral surgeries and patients with limited motor coordination. In this case, the preference must always be for solutions that do not contain alcohol, because these do not cause damage to the teeth, restorations and soft tissues of the mouth.

is indicated that if use toothpaste with fluoride, important substance in the prevention of caries disease characterized by the attack of bacteria to the tooth structure. Virtually all dental folders present on the market the ideal amount of fluoride. However, should be avoided using folders very abrasive or with strong colours. Tooth folders with fluorine are not suitable for children under 3 years of age. Your intake can represent amendment called fluorosis (formation of teeth with the most varied degrees of spots). For some cases, are shown as folders with therapeutic purposes as, for example, for treatment of diseases of the gingiva and tooth sensitivity.

A visit to the dentist must be made regularly on average twice a year. However, there are patients with special needs, with pre-existing diseases, periodontal (gum) diseases, as well as other specific cases, which must consult the dentist more often for adequate control of these pathologies. Prevention is the best weapon for dental health.


