Used to correct small imperfections, these ceramic veneers extrafinas will be objects of debate at CIOSP 2013.< span id = "more-12976" >


With variable thickness between 0.3 and 0.5 mm, contact lenses in China are spreading in dental offices in the country. Designed for aesthetic purposes, these extrafinas facets are cemented onto the front part of the tooth without anesthesia, with little or no wear of enamel, to correct small imperfections such as spaced teeth, broken, misaligned, worn and with signs of aging.

“as well as ocular contact lens is invisible to the eye, the dental contact lens joins to the tooth in such a way that it’s hard to detect it,” says the surgeon-dentist Victor Clavijo, master and PhD in operative dentistry from UNESP, who will speak on the topic at the CIOSP 2013, held from 31 January to 3 February by APCD-São Paulo Association of dental surgeons, at Expo Center Norte, in São Paulo, Brazil.

resistant and Did the first contact lenses were developed in 1985 in the United States by the dental surgeon John r. Calamia. Problems involving the techniques and materials from adhering to teeth caused many fractures and cases of persistent gingivitis, damping down the employment of this restoration.

the technique was only resumed in the late 90 with the emergence of ceramics that increase resistance of the facets, such as the aluminizadas and feldspar ceramics injected lithium disilicate based. “Today in Brazil, the vast majority of prosthetic succeeds in making a contact lens from these ceramics,” says Victor Clavijo.

To the expert, the popularization of the technique results from the fact the dentists have, currently, more access to information about contact lenses, via the internet, courses and publications. On the other hand, patients feel attracted to place a facet that, in most cases, dispensing anesthesia and wear of enamel of the teeth.

Victor Clavijo points out that the application of contact lenses is successful when obeys precise indications. “She is contraindicated for discolored teeth, very badly positioned or that are too forward,” argues


treatment is done in three steps. At first, the dentist makes pictures and the molding of the patient’s teeth. In his lab, the prosthetic makes tests to assess the feasibility of installing or not the ceramic restoration. If so, the dentist performs a simulation through the technique of mock-up (maquette), allowing the patient to see how your smile will stay with the facet. If authorized, the dentist makes new molding that is sent to the prosthetic for the realization of the final work.


