Dentists initiated a campaign to strengthen the professional figure with references from centres that based its business strategy on misleading offers of free treatment.

The College aims to reinforce the figure of the dentist with referrals based on work, confidence and dedication against centers without a sanitary reference constant and recognized.

– with this initiative the College appeals to the responsibility of the citizen when assessing deceptive offers with free treatment or low cost sometimes unnecessary

Valencia, January 2013.- El Valencia dentists Association has started an information campaign on buses with the objective of promoting the buco-dental health in the populationby the clear impact that proper care and hygiene of the mouth have subsequently in general health.

With this action, the College also aims to alert to the citizen on the proliferation of centres without a sanitary officer course, whose business strategy is based on providing treatment free or at low cost, which are compensated by the low quality of them and even their questionable need for realization.

This campaign aims to promote health oral in the whole of society, using messages that urge citizens to keep the mouth care. College accomplishes this the Apple as a symbol and example, faced with the need to maintain a mouth healthy and free from diseases whose existence has greater impact on the overall health of what citizens think.

En segundo término, el Colegio de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de Valencia busca reforzar la confianza del ciudadano en el dentista con nombre y apellidos. IE: in those dental professional with references achieved through steady work, a relationship based on trust and absolute dedication.

In this sense, the College has alluded to distrust that generate many of these new clinics in which there is no ultimate, constant and recognized health responsible. Many of which generate offers with free treatment or low cost, sometimes unnecessary or questionable governed diagnosis and that often end up recovering the patient through subsequent treatments.