
continue to grow in the world people with depression around the world of a according to a statement from the World Health Organization given to know this week.


Depression and mental illness ever increase and do not respect gender, race or age of the individuals.

as he has been said this week, each year increases 5% of people with depression and are often those who do not receive professional treatment and affect your work, school and social life without accepting that they have a problem.

In addition, it has been said that the women have a greater tendency to become depressed than men, with one 50% greater chance of suffering from this evil; may be due to hormonal changes or the result of biological, psychological and social factors.

A person is considered to be depressed when the discomfort and feeling lasts more than two weeks and affects which takes a positive and normal lifestyle as indicated in social studies prior to the release of the who.

The list of causes of depression is infinite: may appear by economic problems, unemployment, natural disasters and conflicts with self-esteem or the Middle people.

In the most severe cases of depression, people can be considered suicide: according to the Department of Mental Health and abuse of psychoactive substances of the who, each year commit suicide one million people to be depressed and feel that their problems have no solution and that is in countries with greater economic development where this problem occurs more.

Is important to accept that depression is a problem that cannot be resolved with violence and lack of patience to the person who is suffering, especially because they themselves do not want to admit that there is a problem out of fear to be judged.

The best option for ending the depression is to seek professional help when detected early signs of depression, because more is soon received attention, faster the problem will be resolved. And of course, have the unconditional support of friends and family to remind the person that is not alone and that everything can be solved if there is an effort to see things in a more optimistic way.