the diet is one of the most important factors causing premature hair aging. Because of this, it is necessary to be careful of what we eat or not eat into our daily lives. It should be remembered that a balanced diet helps a lot in a healthy person and bella.
so, from the blog, want to give some tips for our daily diet is enriched and helps in the prevention of premature whitening of hair:
• eat foods that are rich in for-aminobencilo acid or PABA, acid Pantothenic and inositol. All these vitamins, belonging to the Group of B vitamins, is located in the wheat germ, liver, and the yeast.
• take one tablespoon, throughout the day, of the mixture: a pint of yogurt with a tablespoon of yeast before each meal; could also help not only in the prevention, but also in the treatment of the premature gray hair. CALCIUM PANTOTHENATE and PABA supplements, this combination is very effective.
• iron-rich foods and seafood, are also rich in iodine. And are also good to be incorporated in a diet against aging premature.
• fruits and vegetables, especially bananas and carrots are also very beneficial. This is because carrots are known to be very good in the maintenance of healthy hair.
• take a pinch of butter of the daily diet cow’s milk also makes wonders.