each year more than 59,000 people in Spain are admitted in the hospital for a stroke lung.

the multidisciplinary health professionals view allows an attention integral to these patients.

prevention is the most important measure for reducing morbidity and mortality and health expenditure associated with this disease.

Spain is is situated at a high level of health care in this pathology

-the largest registry of patients in biomedicine is on the pulmonary embolism, and has developed on the initiative of the Spanish society of internal medicine (SEMI) in Spain.

the rec iente case of tennis player Serena Williams has pointed out the seriousness of this disease, whose risk factors include injury, surgery, immobilization, age, or cancer, among others.

Madrid, March 2011 – pulmonary embolism is a blood clot that forms in the veins of the legs and follows and travels through the bloodstream to the pulmonary arteries. It is part of the pathology called disease venous thromboembolic, which can be revealed as deep venous thrombosis (60% of cases) or pulmonary embolism (40% of cases).

epidemiological studies indicate that the incidence is 98 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the year. According to data of the Ministry of health of the year 2005, during the year there were 59.035 income in hospitals of the national health system by a pulmonary embolism, although the actual incidence is much greater than this figure ”, says Dr. Ferrán García-Bragado, Coordinator of the Group of thromboembolism of the Spanish society of internal medicine (SEMI).

approximately 15% of patients suffering from a pulmonary embolism die during the first month of treatment and those who survive, around 30% recur during the 10 years after the event. Pulmonary embolism is the most common cause of death in women during the period of postpartum.

to Dr. David Jimenez, of the Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, prevention is the most important measure for reducing morbidity and mortality and health expenditure associated with the disease ”. In this sense, as points out Dr. García-Bragado, today have pharmacological action of high effective for prevention of pulmonary embolism ”.

risk factors major risk for this disease include age (to older more risk), (particularly the Orthopedic) surgery, medical restraints, trauma, cancer, revenue in the hospital for acute illnesses, and even hereditary factors (such as the hereditary thrombophilias).

for its part, as explained Dr. Jiménez, sport of high competition not increases the risk of suffering a pulmonary embolism. The recent case of the tennis player Serena Williams – who had to be treated urgently for this cause – have pointed out the importance of this pathology, but since that is a population of age very young the risk of a pulmonary embolism is low, although trauma injuries and associated surgery may increase the risk ”.

healthcare in Spain.

to the doctor Jiménez, the care of patients with pulmonary embolism in Spain should be considered of excellence for two reasons: first, by the existence of very experienced in the management of this pathology medical teams and second, by carrying out leading-edge research that directly benefit patients affected by this disease,.

in this sense, the Spanish society of internal medicine (SEMI), formed the Group disease thromboembolic Venosa (ETV), which combines the concerns of a group of professional specialists in internal medicine to this disease. through the deepening of knowledge and transfer it to daily clinical practice contribute without doubt to the improvement of care patients affected by a pulmonary embolism, and therefore the quality of care ”, points out Dr. García-Bragado.

this effort of the SEMI is the laugh record a record created, launched and maintained by Prof. Manuel Monreal 10 years ago. Today its database has valid 35.556 patients (i.e., who have a minimum follow-up of 3 months). What began as a national record is today an international registration with participation of centres of France, Italy, Czech Republic, Israel, Egypt, Brazil, Argentina and other countries. Over the past 10 years the data obtained from the register have generated 50 publications in indexed journals, and has contributed to a better understanding of the tromboembolica venous disease and the transfer of best knowledge to the practical clinical routine.

laugh, increased register which exists today in biomedicine, has provided key on epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the disease, but its main value is that it brings information from patients followed in the ‘ real life ’, which are not always included in the clinical trials published ”, adds doctor Jiménez.

in short – points this expert-, include the multidisciplinary vision with the SEMI and the SEPAR (along with other specialties such as hematology or vascular surgery), which enabled a comprehensive care to these patients. Groups of embolism of SEMI and SEPAR have a long career in research and assistance to patients with pulmonary embolism.