in the hospital of Sant Creu and Sant Pau in Barcelona, a study has been has as a result of the already numerous cases of sudden death among athletes of elite, which concludes that sports such as rowing, cycling, skiing, bodybuilding and the races are an intense activity, something that can generate or exacerbate injury in heart

As it has been proved, in cases where the exercise is very intense, found anomalies in the thickness of the wall of the heart, known as heart disease hipertrofic to. That can lead to sudden death and other heart conditions. to diagnose these injuries may save the life of the athlete in question, many of them has the cure, with what the person could return to sport without problems, with rare exceptions.

The problem is, when despite the relevant evidence, these rare ” they are not discovered or diagnosed, which suggests that more in-depth reviews should be undertaken to athletes, as football players, to avoid these problems.

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Tags: attacks on the heart, heart studies, risk sport