Has always said that people with good humor live longer, and that laughter is one of the best therapies that exist to maintain good health. But what is the key to a good smile? Without a doubt, the teeth. And it is that the teeth are a very sensitive body part to which we must pay special attention. Because a healthy mouth helps to have the mind in the form. Today we bring you a few simple tips, carried out on a regular basis, will enable us to boast of an teeth clean and healthy.

As you know, dentists recommend to brush our teeth three times a day, always after meals. It is very important to create a proper routine for ourselves. Don’t forget the gums. To keep them healthy enough with brushing them gently massaging them.

Why three times? Because dental plaque causing caries and inflammations of gums is renewed in a few hours. Why should insisitir in brushing, which should last from 2 to 3 minutes and complete the cleaning thread dental.

In the market there are a variety of toothbrushes. how to choose ours? We seek a hardness we are comfortable, so we will have to keep trying until you find the best for us. An error committed by many people is to use the same brush for an entire year. The brush wear and we have to change them from time to time. The ideal is to renew the toothbrush every three months.

As I said it to thread dental is a necessary complement in daily cleaning to remove bacterial plaque that remains between the teeth. But in addition it should use a mouthwash. These two elements enable to carry out oral cleaning to fund

Dentists also recommend that we use a bit of mouthwash before going to bed to protect and disinfect the mouth.

Finally, we must remember that all these care should be complemented with regular dentist visits and an annual dental cleaning. Following these guidelines can show all the best of our smiles.

Tags: Teeth, oral hygiene