think seriously what you eat every day and make some simple changes to in your routine. You’ll see how it works!Change some foods and start to do a little exercise consistently help you certainly stop gaining weight and start to lose a little weight to you about. Experts recommend to start by reducing fluid retention all suffer and that makes us swell us. How? Introducing detoxifying natural foods and reducing our intake of salt. one good option is to use whole foods and to discover some cereals rich in fiber such as oats, millet and quinoa. They very effectively contribute to the process of detoxification and thinning of your body, like reducing the consumption of fats industrial as the pastries and sausages. Of course you can not overlook the fruits and vegetables to eliminate retained liquids and begin to lose weight. If you want to know what are the diuretic, note especially the following: bananas, nectarines, citrus fruits in general, Zucchini, lechuga…It is also important that you drink between 1.5 and 2 litres of water per day and to take two cups of a purifying broth made from water, onion, celery and parsley. Finally, one last tip: includes intake of 1 or 2 tablespoons of flax seed in your diet to improve your intestinal transit. Follow these tips and you’ll see how to change your body! Vitagenes

Tags: lose weight without diets, food diets, diet tips