
smartphones are tools that we need for our daily life, it is necessary to keep them with an acceptable amount of load that will allow us to perform all kinds of tasks without having what suffer in this respect.


Then we will give them a list of tips on How to keep your smartphone with charging battery and avoid awkward mishaps with their computers.

is a fact that there is more modern and interesting, smartphones which have completely changed the concept that we previously had a mobile phone, and have become a life partneradaptable for each style and need to be.


However, also the more modern is a team, has greater demands of performance and your battery doesn’t pay enough, and today we will tell you how you can avoid dealing with such problems.

Tips to keep your loaded smartphone.

  • Gets a power jacket: these plug-ins for smartphones are covers which allow to have an extra battery; attempts to recharge them at the same time as your team to ensure his longevity.
  • Buys a solar charger: it is not always possible to have nearby electrical terminals, so that in such cases we must employ the properties of nature, as the energy solar. There are some countries with solar chargers in public places! But should not apply to where you live, on the Internet or shops you can find them.
  • Retains a charger in your car: in addition to the plug with which we already have, there are connectors for the cigarette lighter of the car, those are also a great resource to keep your equipment in top condition.
  • You do not abuse the Internet: consumption data and WiFi can be finished with our battery life dramatically, we recommend to use these functions only when it is truly necessary and in moderation.
  • Reduces light: If you do not require all available light, reduce it to a minimum; there are teams with mode to save energy. use it!

Hopefully these tips to optimize the life of your computer battery you serve much, I hope your comments as always.