according to some research in Europe, it is possible to know the sex of the baby, in the seventh week of gestation. And all thanks to a simple blood test, which among its many advantages is noteworthy, that is not invasive to put at risk to the fetus.
The process is very simple, simply analyzes the blood of the mother in search of the male chromosome. If this is not found, the baby is a girl, otherwise, is a child. Its effectiveness is between 95% and 99%.
due to this method non-invasive, not put at risk the lives of our son. Something that does not happen with amniocentesis, which despite its risks, is a test that I consider necessary to verify defects genetic.
On the other hand, many experts are giving alarm, before this news, fearing that begin to occur selective abortions, when the baby has no sex parents expected. Something that might sound surrealistic, but that has already happened other times.
Tags: blood analysis, studies pregnancy, sex baby