, everything about the techniques of reproduction assisted.

portal helps and supports all those who can not conceive naturally and that resort to the techniques of assisted reproduction and acts as a guide through forums, chats, and consultations with specialists.

Barcelona, October 2011.- The project, which initially was a treatment of self-help for its founders and a way of accessing information on the possibilities of assisted reproduction, has become a reference in reproductive health with his collaboration with nearly 90 Spanish clinics and for a large part of the group with difficulties to conceive naturally.

Communication tools that are a real point of support for people who can not conceive naturally can be found at The exchange of experiences with other users in the forums and chats and consultations specialists who collaborate with to allow rapid resolution of doubts about the problems with which they are and the questions face them throughout the process.

The wide range of sections and easy access to the same allows the user to find what you need and respond to your questions and concerns. In addition to the information on the techniques of assisted reproduction, the psychological aspects and risks, gives tips to improve fertility in a natural way.


The project started in 2003 as self-help therapy for their founders after his personal experience. He was born with the aim of providing an effective tool and supporting this collective on the Internet and therefore it has positioned itself as one of the portals of reference of the reproductive health sector. is a portal to help people who have difficulty conceiving naturally. It provides up-to-date information on pathology, its causes, treatments of assisted reproduction, the law which governs it, centres where is performed, directory of specialized psychologists, centres for natural therapies. Among other resources, the user provide communication tools such as specialized forums, where users can request a second opinion to the medical team to collaborate, make consultations to the psychologist, or participate in chat with several specialized rooms (one moderated by gynecologist).