Loss A new study suggests that adults of age with diets rich in citrus fruits, green leaves and oil of fish, but of low glycaemic index, could reduce the risk of suffering the loss of common vision due to age, i.e., macular degeneration, the leading cause in the U.S. suffer loss of vision.

This degeneration slowly damages the macula, the part of the retina of the eye where it reflect ” the images and affects more than 1 million Americans, especially from the age of 65. A series of studies which have been studied more than 4000 people suggest that nutrients such as the antioxidant luteínicios, vitamin C and vitamin E may protect against this degeneration. researchers have discovered that patients who tended to take fish rich in fatty acids omega 3 or food with vitamin C, E, zinc, lutein or carotenes, had lower risk for this loss of vision. Both the lutein and the carotenes are vegetable pigments act as antioxidentes, and found in foods such as broccoli, spinach and other green leafy vegetables and eggs.

The level of blood sugar is associated with the Index Glycemic (IG) of food, which may eventually increase the damage to the macula. Foods of high GI foods such as bread and potatoes, while the IG would lentils, vegetables, yogurt and high fiber foods that prevent sugar to increase coup ” in the blood.

This is due to excess sugar interacts with other molecules, such as fats and proteins, to create radical free, which can damage cells and cause various diseases as degeneration macular. That is why that antioxidants could be so effective in systems already something damaged by the passage of time.

Source: Ophthalmology, May 2009 – Reuters Health

Tags: loss of vision