Beijing (Reuters) – Merck will establish a new headquarters in

research and development for Asia in Beijing and commit

investment by 1.5 billion dollars in China during the

next five years.

The second largest United States pharmaceutical

it will eventually employ about 360 scientists in their new

facilities, told reporters Peter Kim, President of Merck

Research Laboratories. The decision makes Merck the most

recent pharmaceutical in expanding its presence in China.

“Have plans to invest in research and development in

all phases of discovery and development of vaccines,

starting with the basics of the discovery and following all the

path to the programs of clinical trials”, said Kim.

“We see opportunities to include China in our


clinical trials globally for drugs and vaccines”,


Several drug companies, including Pfizer, Abbott and Novartis,

they have made large investments in China in recent years

seeking to take advantage of low costs and the presence of

qualified scientists

Merck also seeks to partner with biotech companies

and academic institutions to develop new drugs,

said Kim.

Drugs and vaccines developed in Beijing will not be

intended only to market Chinese or Asian, but markets

global, said Kim, but not detailed in which diseases are

focus the research.

In an interview with Reuters at the end of 2010, the

pharmaceutical expressed the hope that the emerging markets

represent a larger portion of their sales in the

next years due to the explosion of chronic diseases

such as hypertension and diabetes.

At that time said that the focus would be in seven país:

Brazil, India, Mexico, Russia, Korea of the South and Turkey.