Monodietas online abound all kinds of monodietas, the diet of Brussels sprouts, puree of pumpkin, mate cocido, meat, bananas and yogurt, eggplants and oranges, light sausages, the beet, the egg, etc. all them have two characteristics to avoid if you are looking to lose weight: eat the same thing for days and how much you want it.

You may ask that they may have wrong apart from boredom and tired that produces daily eating the same menu during average at least 7 days. First thing, and what more or matters: you do not adelgazaréis. How is it possible?, but if they say that they can lose up to 3 kilos in a week!. It has calm, if you adelgazaréis, but you eliminaréis not that fat as you wish, and that’s because it is almost impossible to lose fat in a week and without exercise (and without taking any supplement). our body is an efficient machine that has four main sources of energy:

1. Our 2 blood sugar. The glycogen (and a little fat) 3 liver. Fat distributed throughout the body 4. The proteins in our muscles

you are consumed in the order indicated, i.e. If we spend a day in fasting our bodies break of the reserves of the liver and begin to consume fat, once finished with the liver he would start also with proteins, etc.

With the ‘ monodietas ’ who must first is lost water, not only for the explicit recommendation of taking tea, but because hiperproteicas diets have that effect, as they cause acidosis, etc. all this will do work too to the kidneys, hence the recommendation ‘ not to follow more than X days ‘. Secondly you will lose the sugar in your blood (or sugar), which you can lead to dizziness and even faint you (because the brain is one of these bodies may not be fed of ‘ fat ’, need sugar).

Finally you will lose the glycogen from your liver (and also muscles) in an attempt to your body to keep blood sugar to not suffer a hypoglycemia, which will make that you see in the váscula as they drop those pounds. But no, not you will lose that as annoying abdominal fat, or orange peel (unless your level of dehydration is extreme) with these diets, you will lose water and sugar (glycogen are sugars accumulated in the liver). Our body recovers in contrast both water and sugar easily, therefore you sufriréis this rebound effect so feared.

The solution? a calorie, diet low in fat, rich in vitamins and fiber and above all and above all, varied. You tardaréis more, but it will be more effective.

Tags: Diet, monodietas