Managua, 26 Aug (ACAN-EFE).-the Government of Nicaragua reported today that in October it would begin construction of the new hospital military school with a loan from the Central American Bank for economic integration (CABEI) 66.5 million $.

The construction of the new facility, which will feature specialized teams of high-tech and 474 beds, will become operational in 2014, said the President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, in statements published Friday the Government digital newspaper El 19.

“Will be the first hospital (in quality) of Nicaragua,” stressed the President.

Military school, which will be administered by the medical military, the construction of the new hospital will begin once Parliament authorized the Executive on September 21, 2010 that loan for us $ 66.5 million granted by the CABEI.

According to Ortega, the funds come mainly from the Mexico Government, which expressed appreciation for the cooperation.

The new hospital will have two floors, you will have with 474 beds, a building area of more than 41,000 metres square and additional horizontal construction added two three-storey towers each, according to the design.

The new building which will begin construction on the southern outskirts of Managua will replace the current military hospital “Alejandro Davila Bolaños”, with 276 beds, serving senior officials, soldiers, employees in the sector public and private which are covered by that Centre.ACAN-EFE