san Salvador, 10 oktober (EFE).-mijnbouw in de Cerro Blanco in Guatemala zou zijn “zeer ernstig” voor El Salvador, omdat het de belangrijkste rivier in dit land besmetten kan en 3 miljoen van zijn bewoners “milieuvluchtelingen”, kan worden gemeld vandaag de El Salvador op de Midden-Amerikaanse Parlement base.

El Salvador op de Midden-Amerikaans Parlement (Parlacen) plaatsvervangend Julio Grijalva verteld Efe dat, om te beginnen met de auriferous exploitatie van Cerro Blanco in Jutiapa, in de buurt van de grens van Guatemala met El Salvador, de gevolgen zijn zou “zeer ernstig”.

“rampzalige gevolgen” voor de Salvadoranen zal brengen, aangezien de Lempa rivier, “waar de meerderheid van drinkwater wordt gewonnen” en irrigatie van de gewassen in El Salvador, benadrukt zal vervuilen.

Grijalva is He referred to the issue in an official event organized by the Parlacen in San Salvador to raise awareness about the serious consequences of mining in the country and the rest of Central America.

“El Rio Ostúa, the gravel, the Lempa (some of these shared with Guatemala) would be doomed to die if (Canadian company) Gold Corp operates the Cerro Blanco project”, warn MPs Salvadorans through a communiqué.

added that “3 million Salvadorans would be (…) at risk of becoming environmental refugees” If neighbor starts the exploitation in the country

“while it is not the State of El Salvador who puts at risk the lives of the inhabitants, consider that it is their responsibility in the case of the Cerro Blanco mining project, take reasonable steps to ensure that conditions enabling to materialize access to a decent standard of living,” added.

< p> Guatemalan Foreign Minister Harold Caballeros, recently said in El Salvador that the Cerro Blanco mine "only found in exploration phase and not exploitation phase".

according to Grijalva, exploitation in the Cerro Blanco mine will begin in 2014.

the Parlacen not only is “concerned” about what can cause the mine in the Cerro Blanco, but also different mining projects that exist “along the border” with Honduras and Guatemala, added.

there are 40 “frozen” mining project in the border with Honduras and nine in Guatemala, including the Cerro Blanco, said Grijalva without giving more details.

in such a situation it is necessary that “laws in Central America are integrated so that mining is not given and is prohibited in the entire region,” he considered.

Er is niet een wet die mijnbouw in El Salvador, maar de regering van de voormalige die voorzitter Elias Antonio Saca (2004-2009) weigerde te blijven mijnbouw exploratie verlenen vergunningen en die verleend, besluit dat werd gesteund door de huidige President, Mauricio Funes opgeschort. EFE