Paris, 15 Apr (EFE).-the exdiplomatico and Stéphane Hessel French writer, author of the book “annoys you!”, will be repatriated today from Sicily to France for being “very tired” and need to undergo medical tests, reported today its editor, Sylvie Crossman.

Hessel was on vacation with his wife and although his condition is not “serious” has been considered necessary to be transferred to France to be examined, he said to Efe Crossman, confirming information published by the newspaper “Le Journal Du Dimanche”.

Editor stressed the need not to dramatize on the situation of the writer, 94 years old, which, he explained, he had many professional before taking those days of repose. commitments

Hessel, added the editor, had confided to his medical problems for walking, but the doctor assured him that they were not serious and that therefore it did not lack that you cancel their plans.

after het succes zijn laatste werk “Déclarons la paix!” met “ergert u!”, geregistreerd, naar verwachting worden gepubliceerd in Frankrijk volgende donderdag.

in dat boek, 48 pagina’s, volgens de uitgeverij Indigène, dialogen met de Dalai Lama over de manier waarop u maken kunt cesar onverdraagzaamheid en geweld die zijn “verscheurd” de 21ste eeuw, met een beroep, onder meer de hervorming van de Verenigde Naties. EFE