Jakarta, 18 Dec (EFE).-the health authorities in Indonesia confirmed a new case of death caused by influenza today avian in a 4 year-old resident in Bogor to the West of the island of Java.

the Ministry of Health reported after taking the results of the analysis, that the boy died last December 6 in the general hospital of the city of Tangerang to the West of Jakarta, the same day in the was entered.

the victim had been brought to this health centre on several occasions to receive treatment against the fever that was suffering since the end of last November.

the child, according to the official note, apparently contracted the H5N1 virus to keep physical contact with some poultry that appeared dead in a house in the District of Bogor where he dwelt.

< p> Ten minste elf mensen gedood dit jaar vanwege influenza aviaire in Indonesië, het land dat het meest beïnvloed door het virus, met 162 doden tussen 2003 en 2012, volgens de gegevens van de World Health Organization (who). EFE