Quito, 7 nov (EFE).-Ecuador, a country where 78% of girls have received some type of abuse in their homes, looking for awakening the consciousness about their situation through a project launched today which consists of writing of letters that make visible this problem and commit themselves to the society to a future free of violence.

thus assured it today delegates of UN women and Plan International, project organizers “Letter girls”, which seeks to children from across the country participate in workshops that can write about their situations personal in their homes and schools, among other areas.

“my parents treat me badly, I do everything in my house I Cook, I wash, iron, I do everything and I still look bad (sic), I would like to much to help me”, reads one of the letters collected in a workshop prior to the launch of the initiative.

UN “Women and International Plan Ecuador, a non-governmental organization, today signed an agreement to develop the project and pointed out that it is a”historic moment”to work with children and adolescents to understand the problem.

the Ecuadorian Lucía Salamea, regional director of UN women, said at a press conference that”women no longer want to go to report that they are victims of violence because they have suspicion and feel they are not well served”by what he sees in the proposed a mechanism to visualize the situation.

based on data from the Ministry of the Interior, Salamea showed that 18% of women who suffer violence in Ecuador were victims of some type of abuse”for the first time”when they had 10 years.

“Letter girls”follows the line of the”Women’s letters”project, which collected more than 10,000 letters written by Ecuadorian which revealed histories of physical and psychological violence as well as a multitude of abuses.

“Brieven van vrouwen”, die begon in november van vorig jaar om te transformeren van ongelijke verhoudingen tussen mannen en vrouwen, toegestaan om te breken van de lange stilte van slachtoffers die doorstaan aanvallen van hun partners of familieleden, met pijnlijke gevolgen.

met de dezelfde bedoeling,”Brieven van meisjes”zal leiden de ontwikkeling in een jaar van brieven, tekeningen of video’s, o.a. met klachten, dromen en ambities van de kinderen in workshops of andere initiatieven die vooral garanderen uw privacy.

de organisatoren zal het analyseren van de inhoud van de brieven aan de bevolking over het thema te sensibiliseren en de informatie voor de formulering van openbaar beleid die specifiek zijn voor meisjes. gebruiken

Rossana Viteri, directeur van Plan Internacional-Ecuador, zei dat de enige gegevens van 78% van de meisjes misbruikt in de huizen moet”put on alert”aan het land.

worden He regretted that in Latin American societies have “excess of tolerance to violence”, that passes as something “naturalized” and yet many think that a child educated sometime there to give him “at least a pat”.

based on official data and private organizations Plan International revealed today that 41% of girls in Ecuador has suffered some type of abuse in schools and that in general the extreme abuse affects 32% of girls aged between 5 and 17 years, compared to 30% in children.

he added that 69% of girls has been victim of gender violence, in particular sexual abuse, he noted that in the past twenty years births among adolescents between 15 and 17 years increased 81% and there are records of 64,000 mothers adolescents.

in Latin America, the largest problemen op het gebied van kinderen en jongeren zijn hoge tarieven van zwangerschap, geweld en seksueel misbruik, mensenhandel en discriminatie in het onderwijs, volgens Rosario del Río, adviseur voor Plan International niveau regionale.

in Latijns-Amerika, de grote problemen op het gebied van kinderen en jongeren zijn hoge tarieven van zwangerschap, geweld en seksueel misbruik, mensenhandel en discriminatie in het onderwijs. WireImage /