Prague, 7 Dec (EFE).-the lower House of the Parliament of the Czech Republic today approved a law that allows the use of Indian hemp or cannabis purposes therapeutic.

of the 154 MPs present in the Chamber’s 200 seats, 126 voted in favour and 7 against

to prevent abuse in the use of the drug, patients may acquire cannabis legally only in the case of electronic prescription issued by a doctor and that will be recorded in a data bank which accesses the police.

the piece of legislation should be still approved by the Senate, although it is not expected to be vetoed, so that the Czech Republic will pass to swell the number of countries of the European Union, including Spain and the Netherlands, which allow that substance in medicine.

there is consensus between artsen en neurologen van de Midden-Europese land inzake de algemene behoefte aan marihuana ter bestrijding van ziekten en kwalen zoals chronische neurologische pijn, evenals syndroom slijtage (“wasting syndrome”) en polyneuropathieën bij AIDS-patiënten, of tegen anorexie.

ook wilt beheren deze stof als palliatieve voor de slachtoffers van kanker tumoren, of lenitive tegen pijn neuropatische, onder anderen. EFE