fire that devastated 3,000 hectares of vegetation on the island of La Gomera, in the Canary Islands, including protected species of a natural, Park gave ground Tuesday, but Spain remained on alert after a series of fires that burned 131,000 hectares this year.

fire of La Gomera, which has been declared on Saturday, destroyed one-tenth of the Garajonay Park, rare vestige of subtropical forests that have emerged in the Mediterranean makes several tens of millions of years e inscribed in the world heritage of the Unesco.

thanks to a decrease in temperatures and an increase in the humidity from Monday “tasks of the fire gave good results,” said the regional Government of the Canary Islands.

past residents evacuated from the village of Igualero, located within the natural park and where several houses were or not calcined, were able to return to their homes, added.

a total of 600 inhabitants should be evacuated. fire ravaged forests and crops, leaving after Yes calcined landscapes and corpses of livestock.

concern was particularly alive the last days before the risk that ran the Garajonay Park, where 450 plant species, are classified 81 of which are endemic to the archipelago, the island 34 and eight that no longer exist more than in the Park.

but on Monday evening, the authorities announced that fire already was not progressing towards the interior of the Park.

another fire, in the island of La Palma, was stabilized on Tuesday after destroying at least 1,700 hectares, according to the Government regional.

despite this improvement, Spain, that it expects very high for the weekend, temperatures remained on alert after fires particularly devastating in the recent months.

a Total 130.830 hectare van vegetatie verbrand tussen 1 januari en 29 juli, volgens het ministerie van landbouw, dat wil zeggen het grootste gebied verbrand in zeven maanden in de laatste tien jaar.

land zijn bijzonder droog in Spanje na de winter met minder neerslag voor de afgelopen 70 jaar.

brand dat verwoest 3.000 hectare van de vegetatie op het eiland La Gomera, op de Canarische eilanden, met inbegrip van beschermde soorten van een natuurpark, afgestaan grond op dinsdag, maar Spanje bleef op alert na een reeks van branden die 131.000 hectare dit jaar verbrand.