Washington, 28 jun (EFE).-the President of the United States, Barack Obama, today won the endorsement of the Supreme Court to his health care reform, the key of its mandate initiative, in what constitutes a victory according to all analysts key to little more than four months of the election where aspires to reelection.

in the midst of an unusual expectation since in 2000 the Supreme Court had to settle the Presidency between George W. Bush and Al Gore, the justices of the Supreme Court was sentenced today that the law is constitutional in its elements essential.

by 5 votes to 4, and the unexpected support of Chairman John Roberts, usually aligned with conservative members, the judges approved the most controversial provision, which introduces the obligation for every American to hire a private, under penalty of fine health insurance.

to the begin the reading of the judgment, Roberts induced error in many media since he described as unconstitutional this provision, known as the “individual mandate”, on the basis of the Trade Act, according to which the federal Government cannot interfere in the freedom of trade.

but then explained that the Court could accept the individual mandate if the sanctions contemplated are considered a tax and not a fine, something about what Congress can legislate.

in a statement to the nation from the White House, President Barack Obama, visibly relieved, considered “a victory of all” the decision of the judges.

according to Obama, what the Court has done to ratify its constitutionality, is reaffirm the “fundamental principle” that in the United States, “the richest on the planet nation”, any disease carried the families ’ financial ruin”.

< p> “People who have the ability to afford insurance should and has the responsibility of acquiring it,” added the President in his statement, in which it requested its political rivals that they set aside their grudges to advance in areas such as employment.

“I did this thinking that it was politically good; I did it thinking that it was good for the whole of the nation,” stressed the President.

Obama health reform is the largest since the creation in 1965 of Medicare, Federal programs for seniors and young disabled, and Medicaid for people without resources, and a solution for a system that was fragmented.

the law seeks to make near-universal health care, including some 50 million Americans in the health system, protects the rights of patients against possible abuses of insurance companies and seeks to reduce spiralling increases in premiums.

between de voordelen ervan, herinnerd door Obama, vandaag verbiedt verzekeringsmaatschappijen om te weigeren mensen met vorige ziekten, het verbiedt ook limiet de voordelen en het effect op de premies de afwijkingen van uw kosten management.

blijven vallen door het bovenliggende beleid kunnen jonge volwassenen tot de leeftijd van 26 – de zaak van studenten – en verbreedt de behoeftige bevolking die wellicht in aanmerking voor steun federale.

volgens zijn critici, aan de andere kant, een inbraak onaanvaardbare staat in arts-patiënt betrekkingen vormt, zal de overheidsschuld in brand en zal ontmoedigen scheppen van werkgelegenheid door dwingen bedrijven meer te betalen voor verzekeringen.

informele presidentskandidaat van de Republikeinse partij, Mitt Romney, reageerde snel en krachtig aan het arrest van het Hooggerechtshof van een nabijgelegen Capitol podium.

is belangrijk dat er duidelijke, aldus Romney, wat hij zegt en niet wat de zin: “rechters beweren dat de hervorming van de gezondheidszorg niet strijdig is met de Grondwet, maar niet zegt dat er een goede wet of een goed beleid”.

gezondheidszorghervorming geduwd door de Voorzitter Barack Obama, benadrukt, “gisteren was een slecht beleid en slechte politiek vandaag is… is belangrijk wij revoquemos het en vervangen met een echte hervorming”, onderstreept Romney.

Romney herhaalde zijn campagnebelofte dat het zal intrekken en vervangen door de wet, als hij is gekozen bij de presidentsverkiezingen van November 6.