Bogota, 19 oct (EFE).-the Colombian President, Juan Manuel Santos, said today that recovering well from the operation of prostate cancer which was subjected to little more than two weeks ago in a Hospital Foundation of Bogota.

“We are going very well in the recovery”, said the leader to reappear this Friday in space “in line with the President”, National Radio and linked with community radio regional.

on 3 October the ruler was operated successfully from a prostate cancer that had been diagnosed at the end of September.

the surgical intervention was performed by a team of the Fundación Santa Fe of Bogotá (FSFB) headed by urologist and surgeon Felipe Gomez, medical ruler.

Gomez confirmed after the procedure that the cancerous tumor was limited to the prostate and that, therefore, it had not done metastases.

the ruler, 61 years old and in power since August 2010, received medical discharge three days after surgery and came out of the FSFB convinced that he was “completely cured”.

three days ago, Santos led his first public event after the operation in the Casa de Nariño, the headquarters of the Executive in Bogota, to receive the Shalom award, instituted by the Jewish Congress Latin American.

on Wednesday came out for the first time of the headquarters presidential for the inauguration of the new terminal international from Bogota’s ElDorado airport

“they scolded Me several times because they say that I am exceeding at work and I have to take it easy”, admitted Santos in his appearance on the Radio national.

“But when one has desire to improve is that is very important,” added the head of the Staat, die zei dat hij hoopt dat het in een week hun reizen in het hele land kunt hervatten.