new YORK (Reuters Health) – the American College of
obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG, for its acronym in English) ensures
that a new version of the pill would elevate something
more risk of developing a clot than versions
above, although that risk is still low.
on new guides, this Panel of Experts recommends that
women are aware that “minimally high potential risk”
OCs with drospirenone, as Yaz,
Yasmin, Beyaz and Safyral, along with their versions generic.
it is known that users of the pill have a risk
low, but somewhat higher than the average of developing
clots and some studies have suggested that it is relatively
higher with pills with drospirenone.
but given “the weaknesses of studies”, unknown
If so, said Dr. Kavita Nanda, who participated in
the elaboration of the draft of the new guides of ACOG.
and the absolute risk of developing blood clots with
any oral contraceptive is low, according to ACOG in its
Journal Obstetrics & Gynecology. per each 10,000 users of
pills per year, would have between three and nine cases of
venous tromboembolias, compared with between one and five cases
for every 10,000 women who are not pregnant or use the
with the pill with drospirenone, some studies suggest
that there would be 10 cases for every 10,000 women per year.
venous thromboembolism usually occurs in the veins of the
legs, but can go up to the lungs, where a cause
embolism pulmonary.
drospirenone is a synthetic progesterone form
< p> different versions of earlier "generations" of the
pill. the advertising of Yasmin, which exists since makes a
decade, and products “Yaz” asserts that less fattening and
they produce less inflammation than the pills earlier.
“oral contraceptive with drospirenone also
would have advantages in women with acne or dysphoric syndrome
premenstrual”, said Nanda by e-mail to refer to a form
severe PMS that causes physical symptoms and disorders emotional.
previous studies the industry about Yasmin, Yaz and other
pills had not identified an increased risk of
clots to compare their formulas with those of other
pills. but several studies from the 2009 associated the
new contraceptives with a level of risk relatively more
in a review of the histories of more than 800,000
womanVerenigde Staten, het beheer van voedsel en
geneesmiddelen in het land vonden dat voor elke 10.000 gebruikers van de
pil met intra bestaan ongeveer 10 gevallen van
thromboembolism venora per jaar, vergeleken met 6/10.000 gebruikers van
versies meer oude.
Bron: verloskunde en gynaecologie, November 2012