La Castellanoleonesa Association of help to families and sufferers of Bulimia and Anorexia (Aclafeba) has scheduled its 11th solidarity market from 13 to 15 December in Valladolid.

El Centro civic José Luis Mosquera, located in the Huerta del Rey, will be the stage that will gather public and vendors with the collaboration of companies like Sipecusa, gifts Javier, big bad wolf, Mafalda and Trapa9.

A total of 15 craftsmen will mount their jobs to provide their assistance to a work that takes place for more than one decade altruistically, as he has detailed the organization with Dr. Blas Bombín to the front.

“the flea market has a double purpose. Firstly, raise funds, but also zoom, to publicize the Association to the more people possible”, have detailed sources of Aclafeba through a release sent to Europa Press.

< p> De actie die deze donderdag al begint beschikt over de betrokkenheid van “een groot aantal vrijwilligers” wie helpen verkopen stukken van juwelen, sieraden, marionetten, aangepaste add-ons en verhalen, onder andere producten voelde.