Sydney (Australia), 11 Dec (EFE).-nearly a million people in Australia, most of them women, suffer from anorexia, bulimia, megarexia and other disorders of power, according to a report released today in the country oceanic.

the study entitled “Paying the price” of the consulting firm Deloitte Access Economics, which was commissioned by the Butterfly Foundation for food disorders, revealed that these problems cost this year to the country about 73.122 billion dollars (56.556 million euros), according to local agency AAP.

“up to now we had no idea that the socio-economic impact of feeding disorders was equivalent to 2% of gross domestic product (GNP) of Australia”, said the Executive Director of the Butterfly Foundation, Christine Morgan.

the report also notes that the mortality rate of people with feeding disorders is double that of the population general.

in tot nu toe dit jaar meer dan 1.800 mensen, met inbegrip van 1313 vrouwen, zijn gedood door het eten van wanorde en dat cijfer is hoger dan de statistieken van mensen die zijn omgekomen op de wegen in 2011, zei Morgan. EFE