NUEVA YORK (Reuters gezondheid) – Una revisión de más de dos

decenas de estudios respalda aún más la relación entre la

psoriasis y la diabetes.

En los estudios de Estados Unidos, Europa, Oriente Medio y

otras hierdoor, los participantes con psoriasis tenían hasta

casi cuatro veces más riesgo de desarrollar diabetes que

aquellos zondigen la enfermedad cutánea.

Los Institutos Nacionales de Salud estiman que más del 3 por

ciento de los adultos de Estados Unidos padece psoriasis, que

produceren escamas dolorosas en la piel.

Estudios previos habían sugerido que la psoriasis está

asociada con una burgemeester predisposición a la enfermedad cardíaca o

een un infarto o un accidente cerebrovasculaire.

Un estudio sobre más de 500.000 pacientes de Reino Unido ya

había asociado la psoriasis graf con un 46 por ciento más

< p> risk of diabetes.

even so, people with psoriasis ignorant these risks

and the importance of caring for the heart, health said Dr.

Jashin Wu, medical center of Kaiser Permanente, Los Angeles.

“regular pressure checks, should be made the

cholesterol and diabetes, which are all very important”,

recommended by Wu, who did not participate in the study.

team of Dr. April Armstrong, of the University of

California, combined the results of 27 studies

observational and found that people with psoriasis were a

59 percent more likely to have diabetes than a group

control. the subgroup with severe psoriasis had almost double of

risk of also suffering the disorder of glucose in blood.

and in five studies which had been followed in time to

patients without diabetes, those with psoriasis were a 27 by

cent more likely to develop it than people without

psoriasis, according to published team in Archives of Dermatology.

some researchers argue that inflammation

systemic behind psoriasis also would elevate the risk of

diabetes, heart disease and heart attack cerebral. but Wu said

that is that mechanism is still unknown biological.

in addition, people with psoriasis tend to have more

overweight and depression be more sedentary than the rest, what

also adds risk factors for diabetes.

Los CDC estimate that 8 percent of Americans

have diabetes, a number that grew in recent years with the

epidemic of obesity.

team said that results “support the existence

a solid association between psoriasis and diabetes”.

< p> Aanbevolen controle en opvoeden vooral over die

risico’s voor de mensen met psoriasis.

Bron: Archives of Dermatology, online 15 oktober van het
