São Paulo, 23 sep (EFE).-the Brazilian Oswaldo Cruz, linked to the Ministry of health, Medical Research Institute has begun trials on animals of a malaria vaccine and expected to carry out the trials in humans next year, today reported a source official.
the head of the laboratory for research in Malaria Institute, Claudio Tadeu Daniel Ribeiro, cited by the State Agency Brazil, explained that the aim is to achieve a vaccine that protect against malaria and fever yellow.
El 99 percent of the cases of malaria in Brazil are concentrated in the Legal Amazon, an area of 5 million square kilometers, distributed between the States of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Pará, Rondonia and Roraima, Tocantins, Maranhão and 0.8 percent of Goiás.
last year the number of cases of malaria in Brazil reached the 263,000 less than 320,000 2010.
“In de Amazone niet mosquito die valt binnen de mensen thuis, is de man die het huis van mug binnenvalt “, zei de deskundige, die uitgesloten van de mogelijkheid van het elimineren van de muggen in beboste gebieden en gepleit voor vermindering van de contact gebieden. EFE