Bangkok, 3 nov (EFE).-the Cambodian Government has approved the construction of a controversial hydroelectric plant of 400 megawatts in the Sesán River, a tributary of the Mekong, despite criticism from environmentalists, organizations report today local media.
China, Viet Nam and Cambodia participate in this undertaking of joint venture that will invest 781,5 million dollars (610 million euros) in a few works that will be completed within five years, according to the newspaper “Phnom Penh Post”.
after eight years of studies on the environmental impact of the project, the Government of first Minister Hun Sen gave his approval yesterday.
the ruler ordered the construction of new settlements and the empowerment of lands for the Cambodians who have to leave their homes today for the construction of the dam, a number that environmental organisations estimate that it will be around 50,000 people.
< p> Critici van het plan waarschuwen dat de dam bedreiging vormt voor de biodiversiteit en levensvatbaarheid van Sesán.
Cambodja, net als andere landen in de regio, zoekt in hydro-elektrische en kolen om te voldoen aan de groeiende vraag van energie voor hun economieën.
verwachting dat Cambodja dat geopend wordt vóór 2020 negen dammen die 2,045 megawatt produceren. EFE