Caracas, 10 Dec (EFE).-the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, took oath to Admiral Diego Molero as Defense Minister before leaving with”optimism”to Cuba, where will undergo a fourth operation of a cancer which was diagnosed in June of the year past.

“I assume early to Havana full of optimism”, said Chavez in images taken yesterday and published today by the State Venezuelan television VTV channel in which is seen as taking oath Molero before talking with him and part of the dome military with the sword of Bolivar in the hand.

, 58 years old and in power since 1999, Chavez took oath to Molero and was promoted to Admiral in Chief, after appointing him Minister on October 29 instead of Henry Rangel, released at the last minute as a candidate for the governorship of Trujillo in Sunday regional elections.

“I’m going and the political high command but not give it however delego it and is in good hands, there is Nicolas Maduro (Vice President) “, said Chavez, adding that”the military high command is in good hands”.

“So that the Republic is in good hands, the revolution is in good hands,”added.

President expressed his conviction that”the homeland is secure”by more difficulties which touch face and”by more conspiracies that may return”at the time that warned that the enemy, not specified,”lurks from outside and from the inside”.

added that enemy will not miss any circumstance”to launch again as hyenas against the fatherland, to destroy it again as they did not know how long”.

“I am sure that as one man, one woman would be found with this people,”added.

< p"> Venezolaanse President drong er bij het leger "versterken van de eenheid" en "samenwerken, levert niet veel om te intrigeren".

“Ik geef je mijn hart, mijn dank en ik hoop om terug te keren snel,” zei hij in een ander moment.

Chavez vertrok vandaag vroeg in de ochtend naar Cuba aan nieuwe operatie ondergaan “must have” een kanker die is gelegen in het bekken, maar die is niet bekend type noch de nauwkeurige ligging.

Venezolaanse President erkend zaterdag in radio en televisie keten risico waarbij opnieuw ondergaan chirurgie, die zal worden de vierde werking van de kanker.

in het bericht op zaterdag, uitgezonden op radio en televisie, keten Chávez genaamd Maduro als zijn opvolger voor het geval dat voor sommige reden het voorzitterschap volgende 10 januari niet aannemen kan, datum waarop de nieuwe periode waarvoor begint was gekozen bij de verkiezingen van oktober 7.