Beijing, 30 may ( EFE).-the Chinese police dismantled a gang that illegally running the bodies of more than two dozen people and who sold them for more than 5,000 dollars (4,000 euros), with the help of a purported donor, reported today the official journal “Global Times”.

under the pseudonym of Ding, the citizen who helped arrest the involved in the sale spent two weeks by pretending that he wanted to sell his kidney, along with other 20 donors in Chinese rural areas, with low income and low education.

Ding contacted the band through someone who had sold one of his kidneys last month, in Foshan City, in the southern Canton province, and along with him came to the city of Hangzhou (East) to meet with buyers and pass through analysis of health.

< p> Op zijn eerste dag als een “donor” Ding ontmoet andere acht provincies in Jiangxi (het zuiden), Hunan (South Central), Gansu (noordwesten) en Zhejiang (oostkust), die hem werden ondergebracht in een slaapzaal voor vijf personen te worden onderzocht en wachten voor transplantatie chirurgie.

die verantwoordelijk zijn voor het samenbrengen van de donor, pseudoniem Dong, 35.000 yuan ($5.513, 4430 euro aangeboden) als uw nieren verenigbaar met de potentiële begunstigden waren en beloofde dat het geld zou worden gestort op hun bankrekeningen, een half uur voor de transplantatie.

Dong werd gearresteerd door de politie in Hangzhou, na de waarschuwing voor Ding, in de stad Changsha, de hoofdstad van de provincie van Hunan, wanneer een van de donoren was onderworpen aan analyses van bloed.

vervolgens, police found the contract of 24 donors with the name of these, his fingerprints and number of identity card, in addition to cross-examine those recruited and give notice to their families so that they will take them.

“a very young, donor name Wang Jun, said that it was Jiangxi province and that he wanted to sell his kidney because he was unemployed and needed to pay their credit cards”, was attended by Ding to the police

according to “Global Times”, in China about a million patients living with daily dialysis every year and need a transplant kidney.

statistics of the Ministry of health of China show that nearly 1.5 million Chinese need a transplant, but that annually in the Asian giant are practiced only 10,000, reason why the illegal organ trafficking has increased, according to Xinhua.

a op de Chinese zwarte markt nier gaat transplantatie om kosten tussen $47,000 (38 000 euro) en $78,000 (63.000 euro). EFE