Bogota, June 27 (EFE).-the medical staff that attends to the Colombian, Vice President Angelino Garzon, withdrew you “ventilatory support”, although continuously in the unit of intensive care (ICU) clinic Queen Sofia de Bogotá, where he entered on June 14, reported today the institution.

Garzon, of 65 years, “is aware and retired mechanical ventilatory support” and continues “under strict medical supervision” and “integral rehabilitation process”, according to a press statement released this Wednesday.

La Clínica Reina Sofia added that in case of present some novelty in the State of health be it opportunely communicated, prior authorization from the family Garzón.

the past 21, Garzón was subjected to a “brain rest” induced in order to avoid a possible deterioration of the area affected by the injury, the midbrain, which commits functions, according to the doctors.

this Het is de tweede ernstige Garzón gezondheid complicatie geleden nam hij de Vice-voorzitterschap van Colombia van 7 augustus 2010, wanneer hij een hart kwaal leed en hij onderging een operatie die hield hem arbeidsongeschikt voor meerdere weken. EFE