new YORK (Reuters Health) – a study in

United States reveals that you people living with the virus of

human immunodeficiency (HIV) and lack of a secure access

to nutritious foods are more likely to have complications

which feed well.

authors attributed it, perhaps, to drugs for

HIV or would the access to treatment sooner not be one

priority for those who do not know if they will return to eat.

called food insecurity would also point to other

underlying problems in people with HIV, such as poverty,

mental illness and addictions.

“food insecurity is a major problem, but when

has a chronic disease, it only exacerbates it”, said Seth

Kalichman, psychologist specializing in adherence to the treatment

of the HIV and food access of the University of Connecticut.

Kalichman, which did not participate in the study, explained that the

hunger more HIV, which depresses the immune system, increase

susceptibility to other diseases.

The Centers for disease prevention and Control

of United States (CDC for its acronym in English) estimated that

late 2008 1.2 million adolescents and adults

Americans had HIV.

team of Dr. Sheri Weiser, of the University of

California, in San Francisco, interviewed regularly to 347

people with HIV homeless, living in shelters or homes


A fourth had attended an emergency department

in the three previous months and 11 percent had been

boarding school. A third suffered from severe food insecurity and more

< p> half had trouble getting food all the


in the next two years, participants who had no

food certainty or access to nutritious choices were two

times more likely to be interned that those not suffering from

food insecurity and were 70 percent more likely to

refer to an emergency room, as published by the team in

Journal of General Internal Medicine.

“are trying to get food every day and this

really affects its adhesion to treatment. the search of

food overcomes the need to remember to take medications”,

indicated Kalichman.

Weiser also noted a strong relationship between the

mental illness and food insecurity, in addition to the

General disorders by the malnutrition. “is evident the

need” “voedsel diensten beter te integreren en

gezondheidszorg”, aldus.

Kalichman behoefte voor meer onderzoek naar andere

strategieën voor het brengen van mensen met onzekerheid

voedsel, met of zonder HIV, steunprogramma’s

voedsel. de auteurs drong erop aan dat deze programma’s moeten

blijven ontvangen financiering bij te wonen van de zieken en


“toegang tot voedsel en voeding zijn van fundamenteel belang in

onze inspanningen ter verbetering van de gezondheid van personen met

HIV / AIDS”, zei de arts David Bangsberg van de faculteit van

geneeskunde aan Harvard in Boston, co-auteur van de studie.

“gesneden voedsel programma’s is binnenkort een besluit

slimme wanneer de kosten van de behandeling van een persoon met AIDS

Geavanceerd is veel hoger dan de geven een

< p""> voldoende voedsel", eindigde Bangsberg.

Bron: dagboek van algemene interne geneeskunde, online 18 van

augustus 2012