Coslada, 16 nov (EFE).-the leader of the Socialist Party of Madrid (PSM), Tomás Gómez, has warned today the PP that his party will continue mobilizing to curb health care cuts and the privatization of hospitals and health centres in the region determined by the Executive of Ignacio González.

“Is at risk the health of Madrid and, therefore, the health of all Spain,”said Gomez, who has today visited the municipality of Coslada, accompanied by the Socialist leaders of the five municipalities which have reference centre the hospital del Henares, whose privatisation has announced the Executive of PP.

in his appearance at the Town Hall of Coslada, Gómez has highlighted the success of the demonstration which joined professionals and neighbors in the East of Madrid in defence of the Centre of the Henares, in addition to supporting the”white March”convened this weekend in the capital on Sunday.

“Dit zal niet in een paar dagen van mobilisatie; “deze strijd voor de Gemeenschap ziekenhuizen zijn bereid om te vechten totdat we win. niet zal toestaan te worden geprivatiseerd en deel van de werkzaamheden van sommige”.

woordvoerders socialistische Coslada, San Fernando de Henares, Mejorada del Campo en Velilla de San Antonio, Loeches zijn bezorgd over de gevolgen van het gezondheidsbeleid van de overheid in hun respectieve gemeenten. tijdens de persconferentie regionale

“Ontmanteling” van de gezondheid die door de regering van Ignacio González is uitgebreid tot het onderwijs, volgens Gomez, die heeft verwezen naar de sluiting van twee scholen in Coslada en een meer in Alcalá de Henares voor het volgende academisch jaar, en het ministerie van onderwijs heeft gerechtvaardigd door de noodzaak om te slaan kosten.

“moet sluiten van scholen op te slaan, trim in teachers to save but the law is changed to finance centres of Opus Dei and the legionaries of Christ,”said the Socialist leader, in reference to the grant of the Executive of the private schools religious.

after the press conference, the Secretary general of the PSM has visited in Coslada Agapito Marazuela College, to which the community of Madrid has communicated this week its closure, as well as in the case of the colegio Pío Baroja.

the parents of both schools, whose students will be studying next year to the Machado brothers and Virgin of the beautiful love, schools respectively, have announced protests for the next week.

in Alcala de Henares, the parents of school children of the school Zulema have known also this week that the community of Madrid has decided the closure of the Centre en volgend jaar hun kinderen in de Henares College moet inschrijven.