new YORK (Reuters Health) – a review of studies
published reveals that only half of the patients treated
to prevent heart disease renews the recipes with the
aim to follow the treatment.
studies had relieved adherence to seven drugs,
including aspirin, antihypertensive drugs and Statins, which are
products of use extended. the results of 20 studies
suggested that you between 30 and 80 percent of the patients
continued treatment.
one of every three patients who had had a heart attack do not
it renewed its recipes.
“even if these estimates were just half, the
cost of non-adherence to treatment is enormous”, writes in
American Journal of Medicine team doctor David Wald, of
the University of London.
there, los autores estiman que 130.000 personas mueren por
año porque niet se adhieren al tratamiento indicado.
De los más de 376.000 participantes evaluados, unos 275.000
tomaban un fármaco para prevenir la enfermedad cardÃaca y een
otros 101.000 ya se le habÃa diagnosticado la enfermedad.
El from duró por lo menos 12 meses. El 57 por ciento
de los pacientes seguÃa renovando las recetas al año.
“Es algo que finestra desde hace décadas y todos lo sabemos”,
dijo el arts David Blackburn, profesor asociado de farmacia y
jefe de la investigación sobre la adherencia een los tratamientos
de la Universidad de Saskatchewan, Canadá.
Blackburn, que no participó del estudio, dijo que hay pocas
intervenciones efectivas que ayudan een los pacientes een cumplir el
tratamiento. Esto es porque se desconoce exactamente por qué
tienden een geen hacerlo.
But the health system would also have their part of
“is difficult to have a serious conversation with a doctor
because everyone is busy – said Blackburn-. system and the
costs and time constraints make that we have patients that
are not well prepared” to perform a treatment.
in general, the level of adherence to the various
treatments was similar. the only difference is observed in the
patients without diagnosing cardiac disease who were less
likely to continue using diuretics to the
. angiotensin receptor blockers
“This suggests that the characteristics of each drug (as
often must be taken or what its effects
adverse) would have would not influence both in the adhesion in the
long-term”, writes the computer.
for Blackburn, de resultaten ondersteunen de hypothese van door
welke patiënten gestopt behandeling.
“waarschijnlijk de factoren die samenhangen met het systeem van
gezondheid zijn zo belangrijk dat ze deze kleine problemen van cloud
verdraagbaarheid. hen opwegen tegen de manier waarop optreden de
aanduidingen en de tijd om te praten met de
derhalve beschouwd als frequente controles van
follow-up zijn belangrijk om te bepalen als patiënten
blijven op de juiste weg.
Bron: Am J Med, 2012.