Madrid, 24 jun (EFE).-the American biochemist of Russian-born Alexander Varshavsky points out that, while cancer is more complicated than expected, the progress of biology will entail the solution to this disease than “in the next 50 years will not be more dangerous than the common cold”.
“the reason why cancer has not been resolved is not for lack of effort, but because it has result be more complicated than expected, basically because it is not a single disease”, stressed to EFE this researcher, who this week picked up in Madrid the BBVA Foundation frontiers of knowledge award in biomedicine.
to his trial, “the fundamental biology will only the radical solution to the disease of cancer”, but is possible, admits that he does not see it, although “Yes in the next 50 years we will find the cure”.
< p> Varshavsky was honored for discovering the mechanisms involved in the degradation of proteins in the cell, as well as their importance in biological systems and medicine.
in the 1980s was believed that this degradation constituted a process simple, only to clean old or defective proteins cell but his work proved that you it’s a complex and essential for the cell mechanism
in fact, its malfunction is involved in numerous pathologies such as cancer or Alzheimer’s.
in particular, his research group found that a type of proteins called ubiquitins function as labels that bind to proteins that must be destroyed.
Varshavsky explains that even the development of drugs targeting the ubiquitins system is “nascent” and recalls that a medication is a reality after 15 or 20 years.
East onderzoeker werd in 1946 geboren in Moskou en altijd zegt, wilde een wetenschapper, hoewel zijn roeping begon met nummers: “jonge man die hij wilde zijn een puur wiskundige, maar ik vond de wetenschappen”.
“als je gezicht aan de echte baan, je je realiseert dat op hetzelfde moment verschillende dingen u doen kunt en je moet kiezen een zeer specifiek gebied binnen uw kantoor – in dit geval de biologie-“, benadrukt.
Varshavsky, die de KGB verlaten reizen informatie te verzamelen over wetenschap in andere landen, die in haar tweede “missie was” toegestaan hem om te ontsnappen aan Rusland, beweert dat zij zijn droom nog niet heeft vervuld: “Ik heb bijna alles gedaan”.
in dit verband wijst erop dat bijna alle ontdekkingen hebben “een interessant kwaliteit”, een probleem oplossen en vele anderen gemaakt. EFE