managua, 3 Dec (EFE).-a 12-year-old boy became the first fatality by dengue so far this year in Nicaragua, reported today the Government, which estimated at 4.744 cases confirmed.

according to the report, the child died on Saturday in hospital Fernando Velez Paiz.

the Nicaraguan Minister of health, Sonia Castro, told the El 19 Digital Government portal that the Miraflores district, Northwest of Managua, where dwelt the children already had been “fumigated prior”.

Castro added that, after the death, the Ministry of health (Minsa) “intensify its fight against dengue, because reported the death of another person in the same neighborhood and, although it has not been confirmed, suspected that it was by the same disease’.

Nicaragua remained in epidemiological alert for dengue since last September, when the number of cases accumulated since January exceeded the 2,000.

< p> Minsa registreert een totaal van 4,744 in het nationale grondgebied tot nu toe van 2012 bevestigde gevallen van dengue fever.

provincies die meer gevallen van dengue hebben zijn Managua, Matagalpa, Masaya, Granada, Estelí en Chinandega, volgens gegevens ambtenaren.

Minister zei dat, aangezien hij een epidemiologische waarschuwing werd uitgeroepen, Minsa heeft 1,5 miljoen huishoudens worden gefumigeerd en vernietigd 12,5 miljoen broedplaatsen voor muggen. EFE