ATLANTA (Reuters) – a mysterious outbreak of a strain of

e. coli in the United States would have ended, although number of

people who fell ill in six States in the country due to the

bacterium increased to 15, reported on Monday officials.

The Centers for disease prevention and Control

of United States (CDC for its acronym in English) not yet

identified the source of the bacteria, but they said they have

spent six weeks since it was reported to the last patient


“Although this indicates that this outbreak may be finished,

CDC continue working with health officials

public States” to identify additional cases and the

source of the e. coli, said the Agency in a statement.

Los CDC confirmed one case of the disease in

Louisiana of Escherichia coli 0145 toxin producer

ShIGA, a strain of a large group of bacteria commonly

abbreviated as E.coli

is the same type of e. coli that caused in Louisiana

the death of a child in May and since April 15 has

ill people from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and

California. four of the patients were hospitalized.

the latest reported victim fell ill on April 21, but

health officials delayed in officially connect that

disease with the outbreak because the e. coli that caused infection

patient it was slightly different from the others, he said the

Doctor Raoult Ratard, epidemiologist for the State of Louisiana.

after new studies, it was determined that the type of e. coli

that it infected patient was close enough to the

other as to be included in the list of victims generated

during this outbreak, Ratard said Monday.

< p> Health officials of Louisiana initially

thought that the child who died as a result of the bacterium

would have infected after visiting a zoo of pets,

but the theory was discarded because none of the adults

infected had gone to the Zoo.

new victim reported in Louisiana did not have

contact with that place, said Ratard.

have not reported cases of the disease with this strain in

the country from May 12, indicated the CDC.

Ratard shared the optimism of the CDC in that the outbreak

is finished. “does not seem that we are seeing no new cases

now”, said.

expansion of the E.coli bacterium can be avoided by washing

hands intensely after diapering, toileting or

being in contact with animals, they noted the CDC.

the vlees moet ook intens koken en de

vruchtensappen of zuivelproducten die moeten worden vermeden door mensen niet

is gepasteuriseerd. Los CDC ook waarschuwen over niet

slikken water terwijl hij is zwemmen.