new YORK (Reuters Health) – a study in

Australia showed that consumption of fish oil during the

first six months of life enhances the profile of acidic grades

omega-3 polyunsaturated (PUFA, by its English name), but not

reduces the risk of developing allergies.

“the emerging evidence of the protective effects of the

chain PUFA long during pregnancy, but not in the period

postnatal care, suggest that optimize the PUFA profile n-3

it would be desirable, especially through the promotion of consumption

maternal of these substances during pregnancy (and) perhaps together

with breastfeeding”, writes in the journal Pediatrics team of

Dr. Sarah L. Prescott, the unit of the Royal Hospital of

Perth, of the University of Western Australia.

The Dr. Ellen l. preterm, of the University of New

Mexico”, in Albuquerque, United States, who did not participate of the

Studio, coincided.

” is an essay correctly and with results that match with

the findings of clinical trials prior to know. the use

prenatal supplements is the way to go, although the

results of prenatal tests differ “, said.

in Perth, 420 babies with atopic high-risk study

received a daily supplement of fish oil with 280 mg

of Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and 110 mg of acid

Eicosapentaenoic (EPA) or a placebo (olive oil).

at six months, babies treated with fish oil

had significantly high levels of DHA and EPA, and levels

lowest of arachidonic acid (AA) in erythrocytes. but that not

meant a decrease in the risk of developing allergies in

the first year of life.

“”Hoewel niveaus van n-3 PUFA tot zes maanden van het leven

ze werden geassocieerd met een vermindering van het risico van het ontwikkelen van

eczeem en piepende ademhaling, relatie met eczeem verloren

relevantie met multiple comparisons”, een overzicht van de apparatuur.

“interfractiewerkgroep vergelijkingen bleek met name neen

verschillen in het voorkomen van allergieën, met inbegrip van de

sensibilisatie, eczeem, astma of voedsel allergieën”,

toegevoegd de auteurs.

vroeggeboorte beschouwd als “interessant dat het team vond

enig bewijs van voordelen in de analyse van de wrijvingscoëfficiënt

groep van zuigelingen die had ontvangen meer dan 75 procent van de


“is zeer moeilijk te bereiken de bevolking om te consumeren olie van

vissen regelmatig, op een manier die maakt me gelukkig om te zien dat de

team geanalyseerd de naleving van de behandeling”, toegevoegde.

en said: “think that the tendency to have an allergy appears

in prenatal life and with maternal supplementation is

would modify the programming of the immune disease in the


team recently conducted a meta-analysis of the effect

use prenatal supplementation with omega-3 in markers

inflammatory and disease allergic. analysis included

five randomized controlled on 949 people.

results, published in BJOG in 2011, showed

that the use of the PUFA n-3 during pregnancy reduces the

annual prevalence of positive skin test results of

sensitivity to egg (two studies) and the childhood asthma (two

trials), as well as significantly lower levels of

interleukin 13 in the blood of lace.

use of supplements during breastfeeding not

warned astma, voedselallergie of atopy.

tot nu toe, zoals geloofde te vroeg geboren, “klinische proeven

prenatale bleek niet noodzakelijkerwijs resultaten zo

definitief aan te bevelen dat alle vrouwen gebruiken

hoge doses van DHA om te voorkomen dat anti”.

zelfs zo beschouwd die resultaten van langdurige follow-up

sommige van deze klinische tests “kan wijzigen de

praktijk” ten slotte.

Bron: kindergeneeskunde, 2012