they say that with what the Government will cease to enter through the deduction of income tax 60 health professionals could be hired


month per Menorca and the PSM-IV-ExM has criticized new measures approved by the Consell of the Balearic Government last Friday to allow the rise of salary in the high charges of the IbSalut and bodies instrumental of the Conselleria of health, family and Welfare Social.

addition, the Congresswoman of the Fina Santiago coalition has reproached the rest of measures like tariff reduction of 15 percent of personal income by hiring of health private insurance in the elderly of 65 years, with 65% of disabled persons or families numerous. in this sense, has remarked that three million which the community will no longer enter you could, for example, hire 60 professionals a year “for certain tips” welfare.

in relationship to cessation of Juan José Bestard as Manager of the IbSalut, Santiago has considered that it is “right”, although “we do not believe us arguments” contributed by the consellera Carmen Castro. in this regard, said Bestard proved to be an “unable to reach a consensus with the industry” person and that he carried out “little reflective actions” that they then had to be modified.

has also lamented, in relation to the restructuring of the IbSalut, which either tenth decree-law that approves the regional executive and that this addition, modify the structure of the Board of directors so that its members shall be appointed on the proposal of the consellera, with what is “politicizing the IbSalut” as they believe that it has become with IB3. therefore, PSM-IV-ExM will propose that also integrates it the opposition and related entities.

No However, Santiago has considered that more serious is the fact that repeal response time before which could claim before the administration by interventions programmed.

the Balearic Government has “SHATTERED” the budgets

for its part, Antoni Alorda has recalled that the President of the Government, José Ramón Bauzá, said that the panacea for overcoming the crisis was the budget of the 2012 “and has already destroyed them”, as well as when stated that increasing taxes “was the worst thing to emerge from the crisis”. “Has deceived us”, have been criticized.

in addition, the parliamentary wondered how will comply with the Government with the goal of deficit when they announce cuts of around 300 million euros “and do not know where placards”. in this sense, has indicated that they have the impression that “did not know yet what to do” after the meeting with the President spokesman Biel Barceló.

also, heeft verwezen naar de onderwerpen over het Huis vloer dinsdag worden behandeld als de arrestaties op vrijwillige onderbreking van zwangerschap of “tekorten in het onderwijs”. “De regering bezorgd over” hernoemen van Palm, en “dit bezorgdheid reageert niet voor noodgevallen, maar voor een vlag, wil het als een aflevering in het castilianization van de Balearen”.

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