responsible for health of the Parliamentary Socialist Group, Teresa Rosique, complained publicly that “left without health coverage to undocumented immigrants puts the PP of Rajoy closer Le Pen that Aznar”, as reported Socialist sources in a communiqué.

Rosique recalled that Rajoy’s Government has given one further step in the Elimination of rights, to agree in the Council of Ministers ending health benefits of immigrants in irregular situation and announce that it will not be enough to be registered in order to access the same.

“with this decision, Rajoy is loaded the right referred to in the Aliens Act, approved by the Government of Aznar in 2000, being Rajoy Minister. said law granted to all registered immigrants, access to public health, although they did not have their situation regularized”, underlined.

Rosique Hij verklaarde dat dit besluit “een voorbeeld van het verschil tussen wat Rajoy vóór de verkiezingen zei en wat hij doet nu dat het regelt is”. bleek dat vorig jaar de President kwam te zeggen ’dat immigranten niet nodig of zelfs worden geregistreerd om toegang te krijgen tot onderwijs en gezondheidszorg, als zij recht hadden om dit te doen door het enkele feit dat menselijke wezens. nu doet het tegenovergestelde van wat hij zei in de campagne’.

het recht van immigranten geregistreerd voor de bescherming van de gezondheid is opgenomen in diverse regionale en nationale wetten zoals de wet 14/1986 algemene gezondheidszorg, de wet 4/1994 van de gezondheid in de regio Murcia; in law 16/2003 of Cohesion and quality of the national system of health and law 3/2009 of the rights and duties of the users of the system health of the Region of Murcia. “all this wills it be load Rajoy”, warned.

also added that all the immigrants who are registered computed for funding regional. “the Region receives money from the State by all registered citizens, nationals or immigrants, have papers or not, money that serves, among other things, to finance healthcare. the question is: is thought them to be deprived of such benefits but we are going to continue to charge for them? also these citizens pay taxes such as VAT on everything what they consume, as well as municipal rates”.

therefore the Socialist parliamentary group believes, “that one thing is to eliminate the health tourism, prevent abuse of” “gezondheidsdiensten en controle de inkomsten dat ons land herstellen moet en de kosten van diensten aan buitenlanders Gemeenschap wij serveren, en iets anders, is om te vertrekken zonder bescherming van de gezondheid aan immigranten zonder papieren, gebrek aan middelen, die komen naar ons land werk te zoeken en niet om te profiteren van onze gezondheid ’.