Madrid, 9 Aug (EFE).-the spokesman for the PSOE in the Congress, Soraya Rodríguez, has warned today the Government that”the right to health does not can Commodifying it”, and has insisted that both his party as Spanish society” are against that refuses health care who can’t afford it.

thus has been expressed in a press conference at being asked about the intention of the Government to sign agreements with the uninsured so they can receive assistance in public health.

for the Socialist spokesman, that decision involves the “rupture” of the principles of universal health and gratuity that is satisfying a right, “the health”, has an Apostille.

after underline that “the right to health can not Commodifying”, pointed out that the rupture of these principles is affecting directly, already at this early stage, the most vulnerable.

< p> Daarom heeft gewaarschuwd dat als de uitvoerende macht steeds meer collectieve oudere Spaanse samenleving niet corrigeren zijn houding beïnvloedt.