(Reuters) – Colombia, President Juan Manuel Santos, will be operated on Wednesday of a small tumor carcinogen in the prostate, which joined the list of regional leaders to suffer that disease in the past few years.

President prepares to launch this month peace negotiations with the guerrillas of the revolutionary armed forces of Colombia (FARC) in Oslo, Norway, in an attempt to put an end to a violent armed conflict in five decades in the country Championship.

then some cases of world leaders who suffered cancer while they were in the poder:


* to the Venezuelan President, Hugo Chávez, 58 years old, in the pelvis was diagnosed with cancer in June 2011. was surgically intervened in Cuba and subjected to chemotherapy. then returned to the public scene and in October last year declared himself cured.

< p> But he suffered a relapse that led him for the third time to the operating room in Havana then being subjected to treatments of radiotherapy. A mid of this year in February 2012, the same representative pleaded again curing cancer, whose details are still unknown. now competes for the re-election.

* the former Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo diagnosed in August 2010, when he ruled the country, a lymphoma non-Hodgkin, a cancer that originates in the system lymphatic. A. beginning of 2012 said that the disease was in remission.

* the current President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, was diagnosed Lymphoma in 2009, but for his inauguration in January 2011 as the first woman to preside over the country as it was cured.

* former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva was diagnosed with throat cancer in late October and, after being treated with chemotherapy, the doctors said that the size of the tumor in his larynx was reduced by 75 percent and that probably it will not be necessary to operate it.

In the rest of the world

* the Prime Minister of Barbados, David Thompson, died in October at age 48, after suffering cancer of the pancreas. his Vice President assumed quickly and took over the Government of the island Caribbean.

* former French President François Mitterand was diagnosed with cancer shortly after being elected in 1981. He did not disclose it for more than one decade and completed two periods of seven years, becoming the President galo to hold longer power. However, was very weak in the last years of his Government. died in 1996.

* former President Franse Georges Pompidou stierf in 1974 van een activiteit van zeldzame vorm van kanker genaamd Waldenstrom van Waldenström. zijn dood schudde het publiek en eerste versies waren terugkerende uitbraken van influenza. lijden stierf in een tijdperk dat spreken van de gezondheid van de President was taboe.

* de laatste Sjah van Perzië – huidige Iran – Mohammad Reza Pahlavi leed een vorm van leukemie voor velen jaren. in 1979, Washington toegestaan de afgezette leider voor een bezoek aan het land voor het ontvangen van behandeling kort na de Amerikaanse ambassade in Teheran. overleed een jaar later in ballingschap in Egypte. werd genomen

* voormalige Tsjechische President Vaclav Havel, een ketting roker, onderging een operatie in welk deel van zijn Long werd verwijderd in 1996 wet was twee jaar later herkozen en nam ontslag in 2003 tegen het einde van zijn mandaat. Havel stierf 18 December 2011 vervolgens een langdurig chronische respiratoire ziekte.

** De voormalige Amerikaanse President Ronald Reagan in 1985 werd geëxploiteerd door poliepen kankerverwekkende. de operatie duurde drie uur en Reagan keerde terug naar activiteit later dat dezelfde dag.

(edited by Silene Ramírez)