the Ministry of health, social services and equality has commissioned the Health Advisory Council, formed at the request of the owner of the field, Ana Mato, to draft a report on the future creation of a portfolio of basic services sociosanitarios for communities and another with proposals for the elaboration of the white paper on human resources of the national system of health (SNS).

so have confirmed it to Europa Press sources close to this consultative body after the meeting of the Standing Committee held this Monday in Madrid, the first after its formal Constitution two weeks ago in a ceremony presided by the Minister itself.

that body is chaired by the researcher Joán Rodés and, among its duties, is expected that issued a report at the request of Mato about the free dispensation of postcoital in pharmacies pill.

< p> However, at the meeting on Monday has been agreed the establishment of two working groups that address other topics. one of them will be the integration of social and health care in Spain, something from the Department of Mato deem it "necessary" to address aging and the chronicity of people older.

in this sense, and given that the powers of the health and social services are transferred to communities, health wants to know if it should persist the separation of benefits or “should be set and regulated by State law the socio-health provision, that includes a basic and common services portfolio”.

thus, requests that Council to define what would go in this portfolio of benefits, entrance requirements, those groups that are protected and how to “more adequate” funding as well as which areas could allow the collaborative public-private mix.

in Wat de uitwerking van het Witboek over menselijk potentieel, gezondheid en Gemeenschappen overeengekomen tijdens de laatste vergadering van de Inter-Raad van de SNS heeft verzocht om de oprichting van een werkgroep met voorstellen, aangezien dat document klaar voor volgende zomer moet.

onder andere kwesties vragen om advies over wijzigingen in het objectmodel van de opleiding van gezondheidswerkers in de verschillende stadia, over incongruenties tussen de trainingsaanbod en gezondheidszorg behoeften; de belangrijkste onderwerpen en gebieden van specifieke, opleiding en de ontwikkeling van specialiteiten.

ook zal ook ingaan op het beheer van de werkgelegenheid in de sector, hoe kan invloed hebben op wijzigingen in het model van de assistencial of de externalization van beoefenaars, hun beloningssystemen, career services professionals of de dimensie van onderzoek en het gebruik van nieuwe technologieën.