a person who was posing “healer” intentionally infected 16 people with HIV, although no one knows for what.

the stories of victims seem to stories of terror. A man who tormented migraines recounted that he heard about the “healer” that offered acupuncture treatments in Berne to put an end to the pain, which added classes of music. put on their hopes.

“he conceded a needle in the articulation of the right shoulder”, said. the man thought he was a vaccine. the “healer” told him that he would be weak for a couple of weeks. in reality, it had infected his “patient” with HIV.

the 45 year old man, who in June was published his story in declarations to the Blick newspaper, is one of at least 16 victims of the “healer” of Berne.

Some weeks after having chopped with the needle, the man began to suffer attacks of fever and lose weight. A blood test confirmed that he was HIV-positive. that almost made him breaking his marriage, as his wife believed that he had been unfaithful. was in 2004. one year later, barely had doubt in the history of man, when it is diagnosed with HIV to other men who had something in common: all had visited the “healer” teacher of music.

to learn, the police started investigations.

the fact that it has taken more than seven years to investigations end in an accusation, is related to professional secrecy, forcing the doctors.

not all concerned wanted to give his identity. in each case had to be checked if they had not infected in another site. investigations were compounded because the assumption “healing” it denied everything.

the aanvaller kreeg het besmette bloed van een of meer AIDS-patiënten, zei het ministerie, maar omdat de verweerder, die HIV-positieve is, de kosten ontkent, het is niet bekend wat leidde u om dit te doen.