new YORK (Reuters) – a gay couple who was preparing to marry, a retired teacher and his wife and two pairs of parents and children are among the people who changed their life this week, when an American age 35, and MOM of four children, woman donated a kidney to a stranger in New York.

“I’m losing anything,” said Honica Brittman, dressed in a blue gown and white before the surgery that would give, free, the first kidney of a chain of five kidney transplants at the Presbyterian Hospital of New York/Center doctor of the University of Columbia.

“really help someone to live a little more, much more, is something incredible”, added the woman from North Carolina.

Brittman, who decided to be part of the Exchange after knowing that could not donate zijn nier aan een vriend van de familie want het was onverenigbaar, vertegenwoordigt wat deskundigen zeggen is een aantal belangrijke en groeiende donoren ’altruïstische’ of ’niet-directe’, mensen die willen doneren aan iemand die het nodig heeft en die beschikt over een soort bloed, antigenen en andere factoren ondersteund.

worden gezien als risico’s voor de gezondheid in nier donoren lage. het risico van dood in de chirurgie is een in 1700, volgens de National Kidney Foundation, en levensverwachting gelijk met een enkele nier blijven zou.

bloeddruk is een mogelijke bijwerking en critici erop wijzen dat er geen binnenlandse goed verzamelde gegevens over de gevaren van transplantaties van donor levend is.

deskundigen zeggen dat donoren zoals Brittman zijn sleutel om te wachten meer dan 90.000 mensen te helpen een kidney transplant in the United States, according to the network of transplant and obtaining of organs of United States.

as in the case of Brittman, donors can start a chain of kidney transplants that increases the number of people benefiting from the kidneys from living donors who typically last more than the people who have died.

surgeries on Wednesday and Thursday, which required 10 separate surgical teams and weeks of coordination, were made in a series of exchanges between a group of men and women aged between 23 and 68 with compatible blood types, all motivated by a mix of compassion and commitment to their beings dear.

chain began with Brittman, who donated a kidney to a television producer of 39 years whose companion for more than one decade in turn donated a kidney to a businessman from the State of New York.

a son of the businessman, a college student who felt that being healthy and the youngest of four brothers had to do something on behalf of his father, donated one of his kidneys to another young man of 23 years originating in Haiti.

the father of this young man in turn donated a kidney to a teacher removed from New Jersey.

surgeries were performed in rooms continued, with doctors from one another to deliver the small vital organ from the donor to the receiver.

chain Brittman made possible ended Thursday when a woman, the wife of the retired, teacher donated a kidney to another woman who had waited four years for a transplant.

“all this part of the fact that this young woman wanted to donate a kidney for reasons of altruism without knowing any of the receivers,” said Lloyd Ratner, surgeon and director of kidney and pancreatic hospital transplants.

< p> Hoewel er geen afdoende nationale informatie over het aantal donoren als Brittman, deskundigen schatten dat het is toegenomen in 100 tot 200 per jaar, uit tientallen gewoon een paar jaar rug.

“zodra een tekenreeks beheert reclame, er is een stroom van potentiële donoren met wie contact met opnemen transplantatie centra en netwerken,” aldus Alvin Roth, een hoogleraar in de school of business van Harvard.

/ per Lily Kuo /